This page is still under construction. Right now, I’m just adding whatever and I will organize it whenever I feel like it and have the time. I will be adding more information on Wicca and others such as Spells, Chants, Circle Casting, Symbols, Pics etc etc etc….I haven’t been able to work on this page as much as I wanted to. In the meantime, I’m just throwing stuff on here for now and I will be adding more pages to this as well so it's not all bunched up together or whatever. Until then, enjoy… and Blessed Be!

Basic Beliefs
Wiccans worship the sacred as immanent in Nature, Mother Earth and Father Sky. Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion with many traditions that date to pre-Christian (and prehistoric) Earth religions. It’s based on a deep respect for nature and the certain knowledge that we do not have the right to exploit it for our own gain.

Wicca is a celebration of the life forces of nature, The Goddess and The God. Wicca may include the practice of magic. (The process of causing change through the focusing of our natural powers). Certain tools such as spells, visualixation, chants, candles and meditation help us focus our power, but the power comes from within, it is not in the tools.

Wicca is not a cult and DO NOT in any ways, worship of believe in “Satan”, “The Devil” or any similar entities. Most Wiccans don’t even believe in Satan. Wiccans do not do evil. We believe that doing evil and harm is against all ethical and moral laws. “An ye harm none, not even yourself, do what ye will”.

The Rule of Threes- This lesson well, thoa must learn, Thee only gets what thou doust earn! Ever mind the Rule of Threes, There times what thou givest, returns to thee!

Wiccan ABC’s
  • Accept others as they are, we are all individuals.
  • Belief in yourself is a necessity.
  • Concentration is important in any endeavor, both magickal and in life.
  • Do what you will, so long as it harms none.
  • Empathy is an important life skill. Learn it. Practice it.
  • Find strength in yourself, your friends, your world and your actions.
  • Goddess/God’s are multifaceted –The Lord and Lady take many names and faces.
  • Help others every chance you get
  • Intelligence is something that cannot be judged on the surface.
  • Judge not – what you send out comes back to you.
  • Karma loves to slap you in the face, watch out for it.
  • Learning is something that should never stop happening!!!
  • Magick is a wonderful gift, but it is not everything!
  • Nature is precious, appreciate it and protect it.
  • Over the course of time, your soul learns many lessons. Make this life count!
  • Pray.
  • Quietness both physically and mentally restores the soul, meditate often.
  • Remember to take time for yourself as well as others.
  • Spells can help you, but you must also help yourself.
  • Tools can only do so much, they are not the foundation of all. You are the most important tool to use!!
  • Unless you enjoy worrying, keep a positive attitude.
  • Visualize the success of your goals before you set out to achieve them.
  • Wisdom can often be found in the least unexpected places.
  • Xenophia (a hatred of those different from you) is a path to misery.
  • You are a beautiful person who is capable of anything!!
  • Zapping away all of your troubles is not going to happen.

    How Wicca Started

    Wicca is believed to start from an ancient religion called Shamanism. The Shemans were medicine people, the power wielders, male and female. They wrought magick and spoke to the spirits of Nature. Modern Wicca began in England in 1939, when Gerald Gardner was initiated into a traditional British coven by Dorothy Clutterbuck, (Old Dorothy). He later broke the coven’s seal of secrecy and published books about the beliefs and practices of British Wiccans, because he feared the religion would die out. This began what continues to be a groundswell of people converting to Wicca.

    The Wiccan Rede

    The Wiccan Rede Bide ye the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love in perfect trust Ye must live and let live, fairly take and fairly give. Cast the circle thrice about, to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be spoken in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little and listen much. Deosil go by waxing moon, chanting out the Wiccan runes. Widdershins go by waning moon, chanting out the baneful tune. When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to her times two. When the moon rides at her peak, then the heart's desire seek. Heed the North wind's mighty gale: lock the door and trim the sail. When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss the on the mouth. When the Moor wind blows from the West, departed spirits have no rest. When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them quick and burn them slow. Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed ye'll be. When the wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn. When the wheel has turned to Yule, light the log and the Horned One rules. Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady, Blessed Be. Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone, the truth to know. When ye have and hold a need, hearken not to others' greed. With a fool no seasons spend, or be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Threefold Law ye should, three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on thy brow. True in love ye must ever be, lest thy love be false to thee. These words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will!

    The Wiccan Keys
    Our past forgotten hiding in shadows too scared to leave. Like conjurers we weave the lights of day through all hours of the night. I call you now upon the rivers of the wind, and the heart beats. I beckon you to me. The ability to know, the strenght to dare. The fortitude to will and secrets kept I enter upon the path of light. With strenght and conviction the Gods await me. I fear not what must come. Power be mine forever in time. In this will I see the Wiccan Key So mote it be!

    Book Of Shadows

    What is a Book of Shadows? Basically it's a witch diary or journal filled with occult information. There are outlines for Book of Shadows but in my opinion that since a Book of Shadows is really a personal thing, it should be whatever you want. It contains whatever information you want in it.

    A Book of Shadows does contain more than just occult information. It can be filled with any and all experiences that you have with magick. Some people have their own made up Book of Shadows, others use binders and what not. As for me, for my first Book of Shadows, I used a normal spiral notebook. It's basically my rough draft for now. I also use several folders, but use whatever you want really. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

    Value your Book of Shadows. Don't go around showing it to everyone. If you belong in a group of witches or a coven, then that's okay to show them. But usually in a coven, they have a coven Book of Shadows. Don't let anyone borrow your Book of Shadows.

    The Moon

    Waxing Moon. This moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect and means that the moon is getting larger in the sky and moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a time for spells that bring positive change, spells for love, growth and good luck. This is also a time for new beginings and to invoke. The period of this moon lasts about 14 days.

    Full Moon.This moon represents the Goddess in her mother aspect and means that when the moon has reached it's zenith, it forms a silvery sphere in the sky. This is a time for spells that transform, increase pyshic ability, fertility spells and invocations to lunor goddesses. This is also a time of strength, love and power. The period of this moon lasts from about 3 days before the 3 days after the actual full moon.

    Waning Moon. This moon represents the Goddess in her Crone Aspect and means that the moon is decreasing in size. Moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon. This is a time for spells that banish, release, and reverse. This is also a time to break bad habits or bad additions. This is the time of deep intuition and a time for divination. The period of this moon lasts about 14 days.

    The Broom-Witches use brooms in magic and rituals. A Wicca may begin a ritual by sweeping the area lightly with the magic broom. This sweeping is more than a physical cleansing. Wiccans can visualize the broom sweeping out the astral buildup that occurs where humans live. This purifies the area to allow smoother ritual workings. The broom is linked with the element of Water. It can be used in all types of water spells including those of love and psychic workings.

    The Wand-The wand has been known as a tool that is gentle in nature and has the male aspect, it is the symbolic representative of air. It is another tool that can be used for casting circle, invoking and releasing the quarters, and casting of spells, and some have used this in place of the athame or sword in the performance of the symbolic ritual of the Great Rite. Wands should usually be made yourself but shop bought ones are ok as long as you cleanse it and make it yours with a spell. It can be made from many different materials, including wood, glass, metal or even a licorice root. Scott Cunningham, has used a length of licorice root as a wand for a while and he had good results with it. Don't worry about finding the ideal wand at first, one will come to you. (I will also add types of branches that you could use as a wand and the meanings of it another time)

    The Cauldron-The Cauldron is the Witch's tool par excellence. The Wicca see the cauldron as a symbol of the Goddess, the manifested essence of femininity and fertility. It is also symbolic of the element of Water, reincarnation, immortality and inspiration.

    Athame-This tool is use to direct the engery raised during rites and spells. The knife is often dull, double-edged with a black handle. Some Wiccans like to engrave magical symbols, but it's not necessary. A sword can also be used in Wicca, but it can be difficult for indoor rituals doe to it's size. The Athame is commonly linked with the element of Fire.

    Bolline-The Bolline, also known as the white handled knife. It is used to cut wands or sacred herbs, inscribe symbols onto candles or on wood, clay, or wax, and in cutting cords.

    Cup-The cup is simply a cauldron on a stem. It symbolizes the Goddess and fertility, and is related to the element of Water. It may also be used to hold ritual beverage imbibed during the rite.

    Pentacle-This tool represents the element of Earth and is a convenient tool upon which is place on amulets, charms or other objects to be ritually consecrated. It's sometimes used to summon the Gods and Goddesses. Pentacles are also hung over doors and windows as protective devices or are a ritually manipulated to draw money owing to the pentacle's Earth associations.

    Bell-The bell is a ritual instrument of incredible antiquity. Ringing unleashes vibrations which have powerful effects according to its volume, tone and material of construction. The bell is a feminine symbol and it's often used to invoke the Goddess in rituals. It can also be rung to ward off evil spells and spirits.

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